@scanned-still-lifes by Nadine Maher

I really like Maher’s work, which I also included in my Pecha Kucha research powerpoint, as all her scans are really unique compared to any others I have seen during my research. In the image above, I like the fact that there are a lot of flowers and other things in the image, rather thanContinue reading “@scanned-still-lifes by Nadine Maher”

Scanography Flowers Powerpoint (Pecha Kucha)

I chose these images from these artists to research as these are all the styles I would like to experiment with in my work when I get around to making my own scanograms. I think that my favourite part of scanography is that you can make it entirely your own. In the sense that youContinue reading “Scanography Flowers Powerpoint (Pecha Kucha)”

Marsha Tudor Research

Marsha Tudor the photographer whose scanography stood out most to me out of all the artists I looked at. Her images are kaleidoscopes of flowers, and I think they’re entrancing. The colours look so lovely contrasting against each other, and the black background.   All the other scanography I’ve seen mostly focused on the details of the flowers and the leaves on a macroContinue reading “Marsha Tudor Research”

Zani Arkadina Research

I love Arkadina’s work because they are so perfect that to me, they look as though they aren’t a real photo. The colour of the background and the flowers are super vibrant and the images are really sharp. I think I could look at these images for hours because there is just so much to look at.   Zani also uses some really weird stuff in her images,Continue reading “Zani Arkadina Research”

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