Reid Godshaw Research

Reid Godshaw is the photographer behind these amazing images I have mentioned before in my blog, that were created using just light. Godshaw creates psychedelic light painting images by taking long exposures in the dark, and moving a light source around the model, filling up the space entirely with colour and light to create someContinue reading “Reid Godshaw Research”

Cyanotype Printing Research

Cyanotype Printing is the process of using sunlight and chemicals to create a photograph. This was first used in 1842 by Anna Atkins, who produced the world’s first photo book, in which she documented different types of algae, by creating cyanotype prints of them. The process happens by coating a piece of paper in chemicalsContinue reading “Cyanotype Printing Research”

Psychedelic Light Painting Research

I saw these images on a website our teacher gave us the link to, which I have also linked below, and thought they were really cool. I really like the colour and the geometric patterns they make, and I think the positions the people are in in these photographs only adds to the trippy vibe.Continue reading “Psychedelic Light Painting Research”

Fabian Oefner Research

Fabian Oefner is a talented photographer who experiments a lot in his work with different colours, which can be seen in the majority of his Photographs. When researching into Oefner’s work, the images that caught my eye most was his set of images called ‘Dancing Colours’ in which he attempts to ‘make sound waves visible’.Continue reading “Fabian Oefner Research”

Martin Klimas Research

Martin Klimas is a German Photographer who is known for his noisy photographs. When looking into Klimas’ work, the ones that caught my eye first were the photographs shown above, with the colourful paint splashing up into the air, I liked the vibrancy of the colours in contrast to the pitch black backdrop, as colourContinue reading “Martin Klimas Research”

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