1000 Word Final Essay-Martine Franck

This image of a young girl on a beach was taken in India, in the Town of Puri by Martine Franck. Although Martine was a British-Belgian Photographer, she travelled around the Far East for her Photography with Ariane Mnouchkine in 1963, with Ariane as the subject in many of the photos she shot on her journey. As the Photograph denotesContinue reading “1000 Word Final Essay-Martine Franck”

Project 1 Final Images

Overall during Project 1, I really enjoyed doing the Portrait Photography up in the studio, using the Studio Lights, Softboxes, Reflectors and Tripods, and learning about different lighting techniques such as Butterfly, Broad and Short. As most of my final pieces are Studio Portraits, I would say I have spent quite a lot of timeContinue reading “Project 1 Final Images”

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