Macro Contact Sheet and Analysis

Overall, I enjoyed trying Macro Photography for the first time, I felt as though I had a lot of ideas and things I could work with. I find it interesting how you can capture such a sharp, detailed photograph of something so close-up that the naked human eye cannot see it. I enjoyed looking atContinue reading “Macro Contact Sheet and Analysis”

Still Life Contact Sheet and Analysis

Although this was my first time really attempting Still Life photography, I feel as though I did well in certain areas, such as the composition of the objects and the subject matter. I started off with using the silver balls as well as the flowers I brought in, and I realised there was a spotContinue reading “Still Life Contact Sheet and Analysis”

DoF, Shutter Speed and ISO Experimentations

Overall after taking this set of images, I feel that the first image represents Depth of Field very well. This is because there are multiple trees at different distances away from the camera, but the trees at the back of the photograph nearest the center are sharpest. I feel this represents Depth of Field veryContinue reading “DoF, Shutter Speed and ISO Experimentations”

Studio Portraits Contact Sheet and Analysis

These are the portrait images I took in the studio, I used softboxes and different styles of lighting which I have researched to achieve different highlights and shadows on the models’ faces. Such as Butterfly Lighting, Broad and Short lighting, and Split Lighting. In the 3rd image in on the 6th row down, I usedContinue reading “Studio Portraits Contact Sheet and Analysis”

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