Midpoint Evaluation

Overall, I feel as though my work so far into the project would be a pass. I gave myself a pass or a merit for the all the learning outcomes because I think it’s been difficult to adjust and find the motivation while working at home, but I have worked on this project a lot and will keep trying to improve on the areas I feel I could do better in.

I think I did best in Learning Outcome 5, although I did give myself a pass, as I have encountered a few problems while scanning my photos. All of the interviews of people I’ve looked into and tutorials I’ve watched for my research said that they created their scanograms by placing a black cloth or card over the scanner and leaving the lid open. However this did not work for me, as I tried using a black cloth, but this always came out funny, and didn’t produce the ultra black background I wanted. So instead, I tried waiting until night time to make my scans and turning all the lights out in my room, which worked a lot better as the colour of the flowers still came out really vibrant.

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